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dc.contributor.authorGalina F. Biloklytska1 Valery V. Grigorovsky2 Iuliia E. Braun3-
dc.description.abstractThe current study revealed that in patients with GP the middle parameters of investigated periodontal indexes were differ comparing with patients with healthy periodontium and were credibly raised (p < 0.01): BOP, PPD, CAL, REC. 2. During treatment due to laser curettage (II, III groups) and after PTP and surgical phase of CT (IV group) the credible changes in parameters of investigated periodontal indexes, characterizing soft tissue condition were detected (p < 0.01). The middle parameters of PMA, BOP – were reduced after laser curettage (III group); BOP, PPD – were reduced after PTP and surgical operation (IV group). 3. In patients with GP in soft periodontal tissues – marginal gingiva of periodontal pocket wall, the complex of dystrophic-destructive, inflammatory and reparative changes, reaching different stages and spreading, occurred with different frequency – as before as after applied treatment. 4. The cases with high occurrence of epithelial hyperplasia of gingiva in groups of patients where laser curettage was used during PTP (III group) and further surgical treatment (IV group), were detected credibly (p < 0.01) less comparing with I and II groups. Cases with high stage of investigated parameter “spreading of inflammatory layers of GLP” in III and IV groups of treated patients were detected credibly (p < 0.01) less comparing to cases with high occurrence of this parameter, in comparison with I group, where only conservative treatment was applied.uk_UK
dc.titleAnalysis of morphological changes of periodontal tissues in patients with generalized periodontitis under combined surgical treatmentuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра терапевтичної стоматології

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