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Інші назви: Судово-медична експертиза
Автори: Мішалов, Володимир
Михайленко, Олександр
Зозуля, Віталій
і інші
Ключові слова: forensic medicine, suicide, injuries, fi rearms
Дата публікації: чер-2024
Видавництво: фаховий журнал судово-медична експертиза
Серія/номер: 1;87-99
Короткий огляд (реферат): The forensic examination of the entry and exit wounds and wounds on the head of the corpses of persons who died as a result of self-infl icted gunshot wounds, as well as of the bullets and weapons that caused bodily injuries, confi rmed the possibility of committing suicide by fi ring double shots from pistols to shoot bullets of the so-called «non-lethal type»: elastic bullets up to 9 mm cartridges and 9 mm bullets for pistol «Makarov». It was established that in case No 1 the fi rst injury was non-fatal and the second was fatal, accompanied by damage to the skull and brain. In case No. 2, the fi rst wound was fatal and the second was non-fatal, as it damaged only the soft tissues of the head without damaging the bones of the skull and brain. The wounds were caused by automatic shots due to the poor technical condition of the weapon, i.e. partial damage and wear of the trigger mechanism and the pistol sear. This was facilitated by a one-time partial self-destruction of the weapon, followed by the wedging of the next cartridge with an elastic bullet in the lower part of the barrel.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://lib.inmeds.com.ua:8080/jspui/handle/lib/4925
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