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dc.contributor.authorValery Gunas-
dc.contributor.authorVolodymyr Mishalov-
dc.contributor.authorOlexandr Mykhaylenko-
dc.contributor.authorKostyantyn Voroshilov-
dc.contributor.authorOlexandra Hrynchyshina-
dc.contributor.authorOksana Makarenko-
dc.description.abstractThe Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 caused a significant spike in the number of deaths from blast injury. The impossibility of evacuating the bodies of dead servicemen or civilians from the battlefield for a long time leads to the fact that forensic experts often have to deal with the examination of bodies in a state of decomposed changes. At the same time, the material and technical support of forensic medical institutions in different parts of Ukraine is heterogeneous: most experts do not have access to laboratory or instrumental research methods and can only rely on macroscopic research data. This article provides an overview of the cases of expert examination of cases of explosive trauma of decomposed bodies using macroscopic, microscopic, chemical and instrumental research, which indicates the high efficiency of their use for the purpose of solving expert questions of various nature. At the same time, the identified morphological characteristics of the damage are not purely specific and indicate the action of a blunt solid object with a limited contact surface, which had high kinetic energy and significant penetrating capacity.uk_UK
dc.publisherфаховий журналuk_UK
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 67, March 2024, 102373;102373-
dc.subjectсудово-медична експертиза, тілесні ушкодження, вибухова травма.uk_UK
dc.titleForensic-medical characteristics of penetrating wounds as manifestations of explosive trauma in the case of decomposed bodies examinationuk_UK
dc.title.alternativeLegal Medicineuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра судової медицини

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