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dc.contributor.authorMaryna Gunas-
dc.contributor.authorVolodymyr Mishalov-
dc.contributor.authorKostyantyn Voroshilov-
dc.contributor.authorOlexandr Petroshak-
dc.contributor.authorVolodymyr Khyzhniak-
dc.contributor.authorOksana Makarenko-
dc.contributor.authorAndriy Morgun-
dc.contributor.authorValery Gunas-
dc.description.abstractThe given information and forensic medical characteristics of injuries found on the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers who were in Russian captivity and died as a result of cruel, inhuman treatment and torture in 2022–2023. According to their nature and morphological features, the damage could be the result of high temperature action using hot metal objects, but more likely, the result of the use of electric current conductors (bare end of the wire). In other cases, after the exhumation of the occupied territory of the Kharkiv region, the manifestations of torture were brain injuries and fractures of the bones of the body caused by blunt hard objects with a limited surface. All the injuries described by us correspond both to the list of physical evidence of torture of the “Istanbul Protocol” and to the list of war crimes of the “Rome Statute”.uk_UK
dc.publisherфаховий журналuk_UK
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 67, March 2024, 102395;-
dc.subjectсудово-медична експертиза, тілесні ушкодження, катування, «Стамбульський протокол», «Римський статут»uk_UK
dc.titleManifestations of cruel, inhuman types of behavior and torture of Ukrainian military who died in captivityuk_UK
dc.title.alternativeLegal Medicineuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра судової медицини

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