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dc.contributor.authorКорольова, Жаннета Валентинівна-
dc.contributor.authorKolosovych, I.V.-
dc.contributor.authorKorolova, Kh.O.-
dc.contributor.authorTeplyi, V.V.-
dc.contributor.authorSydorenko, R.A.-
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The aim: To work out the predictive system that can help to determine the group of patients to whom the hemodynamic surgery of varicose disease, CHIVA, is beneficial. Materials and methods: Results of examination and treatment of 58 patients of the main group who underwent hemodynamic surgery and 65 patients of the comparison group who underwent stripping. Patients of both groups were evaluated in the preoperative period using an evaluation scale, and divided into three subgroups depending on the scores: 5- 8, 9 – 11, and 12 – 15 points. Results: The best treatment results with the lowest number of relapses were obtained in the subgroup of patients with low scores on the prognostic scale (5-8 points) after hemodynamic treatment and in the subgroup of patients with a high the number of points (12 -15 points) after the classic stripping (p < 0.05). The same subgroups received more improvement in the quality of life of patients according to CIVIQ 20 (p < 0.001). The subgroup of patients with a high number of points (12 -15 points) after the stripping received significantly more reduction in scores VCSS (p < 0,01). Conclusions: Comprehensive assessment of factors such as the anamnestic duration of the disease, the diameter of the great saphenous vein, the presence of skin complications, dilated varicose collaterals and previous surgical treatment using a prognostic preoperative assessment score allows the surgeon to be more clearly guided in choosing the optimal method of treatment for each patient and achieve the best treatment results.uk_UK
dc.publisherWiadomości Lekarskieuk_UK
dc.relation.ispartofseries;2023, Volume LXXVI, Issue 7, July, P.1562-1569.-
dc.subjectvaricose veins, stripping, hemodynamic surgery, CHIVAuk_UK
dc.titleThe importance of the prognostic score for the choice of CHIVA hemodynamic surgery as a treatment method for varicose veins of the lower extremitiesuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра дерматовенерології, алергології, клінічної та лабораторної імунології

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