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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorФіщук, Л.Є.-
dc.contributor.authorРоссоха, З.І.-
dc.contributor.authorПохилько, В.І.-
dc.contributor.authorЧернявська, Ю.І.-
dc.contributor.authorДубицька, О.М.-
dc.contributor.authorВершигора, В.О.-
dc.contributor.authorЦвіренко, С.М.-
dc.contributor.authorКовтун, С.І.-
dc.contributor.authorГоровенко, Н.Г.-
dc.identifier.citationDOI 10.1016/j.niox.2023.04.002uk_UK
dc.identifier.issnISSN 10898603-
dc.descriptionBackground: There is a hypothesis that a sufficient level of endothelial nitric oxide synthase is important for reliable protection against COVID-19. Theoretical ideas about the NOS3 gene demonstrated that it can have an effect on links of the complications pathogenesis in COVID-associated pneumonia. We determined the goal – to investigate the association of the NOS3 gene variants with the occurrence of the disease and its clinical course in patients of the intensive care unit.uk_UK
dc.publisherNitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistryuk_UK
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDOI 10.1016/j.niox.2023.04.002;-
dc.subjectNOS3 geneuk_UK
dc.subjectCOVID-associated pneumoniauk_UK
dc.titleNOS3 (rs61722009) gene variants testing in prediction of COVID-19 pneumonia severityuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра медичної та лабораторної генетики

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