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dc.contributor.authorMintser, Ozar-
dc.contributor.authorPrychodniuk, Vitalii-
dc.contributor.authorStryzhak, Oleksandr-
dc.identifier.citation2. Ozar Mintser, Vitalii Prychodniuk, Oleksandr Stryzhak. Ontology-Based Approach For Creation Of Medically-Oriented Transdisciplinary Information-Analytical Platforms. Journal of Applied Interdisciplinary Research,2023;2:37–45.uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe process of development of information and communication technologies and the total informatization of the health-care sector led to significant changes to quantitative and qualitative characteristics of medical information, available to broad auditory. This led to the need to create effective informationalanalytical platforms, that are required to cover vast arrays of polythematical informational resources that are characterized by a high degree of intensity, dynamism and diversity both in terms of content, structure, purpose, and formats, standards and creation technologies. Such platform should be used for finding, organizing and using the information needed by the users, and thus allowing them to process these arrays effectively. One of the most useful tools for organizing all kinds of knowledge is ontology as a formal representation of some subject area. A system, capable of effective utilization of such formalization with the means of interactive documents is proposed. An example, designed for the effective finding of information based on ontologies is shown.uk_UK
dc.publisherJournal of Applied Interdisciplinary Researchuk_UK
dc.subjectTransdisciplinarity, ontology, taxonomy, medical information resources, medical knowledge systems, narrative, discourseuk_UK
dc.titleOntology-Based Approach For Creation Of Medically-Oriented Transdisciplinary Information-Analytical Platformsuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра медичної інформатики

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