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dc.contributor.authorХоменко, Ірина Михайлівна-
dc.contributor.authorІвахно, Олександра Петрівна-
dc.contributor.authorПершегуба, Іван Петрович-
dc.contributor.authorКозярін, Іван Петрович-
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.36740/WLek202105135-
dc.descriptionНомер свідоцтва про реєстрацію авторського права на твір 111511 Дата реєстрації авторського права 01.02.2022uk_UK
dc.description.abstractThe aim: Scientific justification of the public health management methods and instruments for improvement of its effectiveness. Materials and methods: The authors conducted a complex research of the public health of Ukraine personnel resources development during the system establishment and building. Conclusions: The paper justifies the competence-based model of a specialist (the postgraduate educational level) as well as the university educational standards of the first (bachelor) and second (master) levels of specialty 229 “Public health”, knowledge branch 22 “Healthcare”. The authors have established insufficient level of the youth motivation for obtaining the specialty certification and described disadvantages of both advocacy program within the public health system and its leadership within the preventive system component. The authors emphasize the necessity of an integrated preventive program maintaining and strengthening the population health, using the advocacy component and available information resources of the public health.uk_UK
dc.publisherWiadomości Lekarskieuk_UK
dc.subjectPublic healthuk_UK
dc.subjectoperative functionsuk_UK
dc.subjecthealth promotionuk_UK
dc.titleManagement of institutional and preventive activities in the public Health system of Ukraineuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра громадського здоров'я

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