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dc.contributor.authorMikhailenko, O.V.-
dc.contributor.authorRoshchin, H.H.-
dc.contributor.authorDyadik, О.О.-
dc.contributor.authorIrkin, I.V.-
dc.contributor.authorMalisheva, T.A.-
dc.contributor.authorKostenko, Ye.Ya.-
dc.contributor.authorGunas, V.I.-
dc.contributor.authorHel, A.P.-
dc.description.abstractBodily injuries, caused by firearms and special non-lethal means, which are provided for law enforcement agencies and special services and they are available to the civilian population as well (pistols for firing ammunition equipped with elastic bullets, stun guns, etc.,) and the consequences of torture using various methods and the traumatic factors that caused by them have to get expert objective assessment. Among other laboratory studies, it is important to determine the characteristics of the composition of chemical elements in objects of biological and non-biological origin by performing X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis using modern spectrometers. The object: to determine the characteristics of the elemental composition of metals and their topography in injuries caused by gunshots and stun gun by conducting X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis using spectrometers “ElvaX CEP-01” and “M4 TORNADO”. Conclusions: the use of spectrometers increases the accuracy and objectivity of expert examinations of injuries caused by firearms and electric shock device as they have a wide range of chemical elements detection in the composition of the products of the shot and the electro tag from sodium to uranium. Using X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis, it is possible not only to detect metals in the layers of soot on injuries, but also to conduct a targeted “microscopic” study of their topography for partial group identification of firearms and the installation of electrode metal, which acted as a contact body conductor. X-ray fluorescence spectral analysis is a non-destructive research method.uk_UK
dc.publisherIndian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, January-March 2021. P.1278-1284uk_UK
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 15;No. 1-
dc.subjectgunshot wounduk_UK
dc.subjectelectric traumauk_UK
dc.subjectX-ray fluorescence spectral analysisuk_UK
dc.titleEfficiency of Determination of Elemental Composition of Metals and their Topography in Objects of Biological Origin Using Spectrometersuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра патологічної та топографічної анатомії

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