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dc.contributor.authorМінцер, О. П.-
dc.contributor.authorMartsenyuk, V-
dc.contributor.authorVakulenko, D.-
dc.description.abstractThe work is devoted to development and application of the decision tree induction algorithm for the problem of differential diagnostics and assessment of adaptation possibilities of patients (cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, respiratory system diseases) and healthy (in the position of lying and sitting) on the basis of the data of arterial oscillography. Software implementation uses C5.0 algorithm. For each type of research, as well as their totality, separate decision trees are constructed. The classification error as well as attribute usage are gotten and analyzed.uk_UK
dc.publisherProceedings of the VIII International Conference of Students, PhD Students and Young Scientistsuk_UK
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEngineer of the XXI Century;-
dc.subjectDecision tree · Data mining · Medical diagnostics · Arterial oscillographyuk_UK
dc.titleOn Data Mining Technique for Differential Diagnostics Based on Data of Arterial Oscillographyuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра медичної інформатики

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