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dc.contributor.authorMedvedieva, N.-
dc.contributor.authorLobanova, O.-
dc.contributor.authorRossokha, Z.-
dc.contributor.authorVershyhora, V.-
dc.contributor.authorCheshuk, V.-
dc.contributor.authorVereshchako, R.-
dc.contributor.authorGorovenko, N.-
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: Genes comethylation is important pathways of epigenetic mechanisms in the risk of breast cancer development. Hypermethylation of RUNX3 and BRCA1 genes is involved in disrupted oncosuppression process among breast cancer cases. But no so much known about their co-influences on breast cancer (BC) risk in different age. Aim of the study was to evaluate RUNX3, BRCA1 genes age depending comethylation status. Materials and Methods: Tumor tissue of 52 BC female patients was obtained during surgery. Patients (mean age 53.05 ± 1.86) subdivided depending of age: Group 1 (25-44 years), Group 2 (45-60 years), Group 3 (61-85 years). Obtained tumor was tested for BRCA1 and RUNX3 gene methylation status. Tumor samples saved using DNA/RNA Shield. DNA extracted with Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit. Bisulfide conversion was done by dint of EZ DNA Methylation-Gold Kit. Converted DNA with methyl-specific primers was used for PCR analysis. Results: No significant differences were found for RUNX3 gene methylation. Patients of Group 1 had significantly higher methylation status (41.2%) in BRCA1 gene compared to patients of Group 2 (25%) and Group 3 (26.6%), respectively. Comethylation of hypermethylated BRCA1/RUNX3 was significantly prevalence also among Group 1 compared to others (Table). Conclusions: Higher hypermethylated BRCA1/RUNX3 genes status was found among young patients (aged 25-44 years). Further careful studies are needed to understand cometylation effect of investigated genes on early breast cancer development.uk_UK
dc.publisherAbstract Library ESHG Conference 2020 https://2020.eshg.org/index.php/abstract-library/uk_UK
dc.titleAge depending prevalence of RUNX3, BRCA1 genes comethylation among female breast cancer caseuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра медичної та лабораторної генетики

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