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dc.contributor.authorBiloklytska, Galyna Fedorivna-
dc.contributor.authorGorgol, Kostiantyn Olegovich-
dc.description.abstractImmunological changes in periodontitis are characterized by disturbances in the interaction of factors of nonspecific resistance of the organism, inhibition of cellular and humoral immunity, as well as inhibition of a relatively autonomous system of local immunity with an imbalance of nitrite and cytokine indices. Assessment of a patient with periodontitis in modern conditions involves a comprehensive examination, which includes, in addition to traditional clinical methods, microbiological and immunological studies that allow objectifying the patient's condition, predicting the course of the disease and analyzing the effectiveness of therapeutic measures, which formed the aim of the study: to determine the prognostic significance of nitrite and cytokine profile (TNF-α) content in young people (18-25 years) in the occurrence and development of periodontal tissue diseases. 80 young people (18–25 years old) were under observation, among whom 37 people were diagnosed with early initial periodontitis, stage I (group I), 22 patients with catarrhal gingivitis (group II), and 21 patient with intact periodontium (group III). According to the results of the survey, a part of young people was found to have a bad habit – smoking. It was of interest to trace the influence of this harmful habit on the level of TNF-α cytokine and the amount of nitrites in the oral fluid. It was found that determination of nitrite content and proinflammatory cytokine-TNF-α in the oral fluid of young people (18-25 years old) has prognostic significance in the initiation and development of periodontal tissue diseases.uk_UK
dc.subjectgeneralized periodontitisuk_UK
dc.subjectchronic catarrhal gingivitisuk_UK
dc.subjectyoung people (18-25 years)uk_UK
dc.titleEvaluation of prognostic significance of nitrite and cytokine profile (TNF-α) content in young people (18-25 years) in the development of periodontal tissue diseasesuk_UK
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