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Знайдені матеріали:
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
вер-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, SeptemberВаривончик, Д.В.
сер-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, AugustВаривончик, Д.В.
жов-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, October.Варивончик, Д.В.
лип-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, July.Варивончик, Д.В.
чер-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, June.Варивончик, Д.В.
кві-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, April.Варивончик, Д.В.
тра-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, May.Варивончик, Д.В.
гру-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, December.Варивончик, Д.В.
лис-2020Operational monitoring of indicators of prevention at the workplace and registration of cases of acute occupational disease caused by COVID-19 in Ukraine : 2020, November.Варивончик, Д.В.