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dc.contributor.authorKosakivska, Ilona-
dc.contributor.authorKosakovskyi, Anatolii-
dc.description.abstractConducted was an investigation of hearing function in the conventional and extended frequency regions in 60 children with nasal septum deviations ranged in age from 6 to 17 years (45 male and 15 female). Conductive hearing loss was detected in 78.3% of cases according to the findings of hearing in the conventional frequencies and in 95% in the extended frequency region. Following a month and some later after septoplasty noted was positive hearing dynamics both in the conventional and extended frequency regions. The obtained data manifest that hearing tests in children with nasal septum deviations are advisible for refinement of indications to septoplasty.uk_UK
dc.publisherThe Health of Societyuk_UK
dc.relation.ispartofseries1-2;P. 37-43-
dc.subjectchildren, nasal septum deviation, septoplasty, hearing functionuk_UK
dc.titleHearing function in children with nasal septum deviation before and after septoplastyuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра дитячої оториноларингології, аудіології та фоніатрії

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