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dc.contributor.authorBiloklytska, Galyna-
dc.contributor.authorBraun, Iuliia-
dc.description.abstractThe effective treatment of Generalized Periodontitis (GP) is among main priorities in modern dental treatment. Most of surgical techniques aim to provide regeneration of lost periodontal tissues, using modern Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques (MIST), devices. According to Biloklytska G, the effective treatment of GP is very actual for citizens of Ukraine, where statistics of disease prevalence shows very high percent of patient involvement. In the review the evidence for combined usage of the diode laser and Enamel Matrix Proteins (EMP) will be showed, the applied treatment approaches will be compared and discussed, clinical occasion will be showed.uk_UK
dc.subjectPeriodontal diseaseuk_UK
dc.subjectPeriodontal regenerationuk_UK
dc.subjectDiode laseruk_UK
dc.titleСombined Usage of Diode Laser “Granum” and “Emdogain” (Straumann) During Surgical Phase in Treatment of Generalized Periodontitisuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра терапевтичної стоматології

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