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Назва: A systematic review of asthma case definitions in 67 birth cohort studies
Автори: Bisyuk, Y
Chelimo, C
Dubovyi, A
Ключові слова: Asthma; Birth cohorts; Case definition; Children
Дата публікації: бер-2021
Видавництво: Paediatr Respir Rev
Серія/номер: ;Mar;37
Короткий огляд (реферат): Birth cohort studies are a valuable source of information about potential risk factors for childhood asthma. To better understand similarities and variations in findings between birth cohort studies, the methodologies used to measure asthma require consideration. The final review included 67 birth cohorts, of which 48 (72%) were from Europe, 14 (21%) from North America, 3 (5%) from Oceania, 1 (1%) from Asia and 1 (1%) from South America. We identified three measured outcomes: “asthma ever”, “current asthma”, and “asthma” without further specification. Definitions of “asthma ever” were primarily based upon an affirmative parental response to the question whether the child had ever been diagnosed with asthma by a physician. The most frequently used definition of “current asthma” was “asthma ever” and either asthma symptoms or asthma medications in the last 12 months. This definition of “current asthma” was used in 16 cohorts. There was no statistically significant difference in the pooled asthma prevalence in European and North American cohorts that used questionnaire alone versus other data sources to classify asthma.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://lib.inmeds.com.ua:8080/jspui/handle/lib/4003
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра дерматовенерології, алергології, клінічної та лабораторної імунології

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