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Назва: Laсtiale Uro in the prevention of postmenopausal urinary infection: LACMUS study results.
Автори: Ivanov, D.D.
Korzh, O.M.
Ключові слова: urinary tract infection.
Дата публікації: 2020
Видавництво: Нирки.Почки.Kidneys.
Серія/номер: Том 9. №4; С. 215-220.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Abstract. Background. The purpose was to assess the efficacy and safety of Lactiale Uro, a product containing two strains of Lactobacilli plus cranberry extract and vitamin A, in preventing recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) in postmenopausal women (LACMUS study). Materials and methods. This was a randomized, prospective, multicenter study. Subjects received Lactiale Uro twice daily for 26 weeks after recovery from UTI; the control group didn’t receive the product. The primary endpoint was the proportion of subjects with recurrent UTI episodes at the end of the study. Results. Seventy-seven women were screened; 65 were enrolled; 61 completed the study. After 26 weeks, a significantly lower number of women experienced recurrent UTIs with Lactiale Uro compared to no treatment (9.7 vs 23.3 %; P < 0.05). Lactiale Uro produced statistically significant improvements, such as lower rates of UTI episodes (12.9 vs 36.6 %; P < 0.05); longer time to first UTI episode (136 vs 27 days; P = 0.0038); shorter duration of active UTI episode (5 vs 11 days; P= 0.0199); and shorter duration of antibacterial therapy for an active UTI episode (4 vs 10 days; P =0.0462). Conclusions. Lactiale Uro was safe and effective for the prevention of recurrent UTIs in postmenopausal women. These data require further well-designed trials to clarify possible benefits.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://lib.inmeds.com.ua:8080/jspui/handle/lib/3064
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра нефрології та нирковозамісної терапії

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