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Автори: Beketova, Galyna
Shekera, Oleh
Pryimatchuk, Liubava-Stephania
Mozgova, Galyna
Beketova, Natalia
Ключові слова: psychosomatic pathology, electroencephalogram,
Дата публікації: 2019
Видавництво: Wiadomości Lekarskie
Серія/номер: tom LXXII, nr 12 cz. I;
Короткий огляд (реферат): OBJECTIVE:Introduction: In this article neurophysiological aspects of the formation of psychosomatic disorders (PSD) and psychosomatic pathology (PSP) in children and adolescents are presented. The aim of the study was to determine neurophysiological characteristics in healthy children and adolescents and patients with PSD and PSP based on the analysis of their electroencephalogram (EEG). PATIENTS AND METHODS:Materials and methods: In total 59 children aged between 11 and 18 years old were examined, among them 24 with PSD (duodenal ulcer and bronchial asthma) (Group I), 15 patients with PSP (irritable bowel syndrome) (Group II), and 20 healthy children of the corresponding age (ІІІ Control group). A complex neurophysiological diagnosis with topographic mapping of the spectral power of the main EEG rhythms and its spectral analysis was carried out. RESULTS:Results: In patients with PSD, a dominant bimodal spectrum of the alpha rhythm of EEG with a normal or partially lost topical distribution was observed. While in patients with PSP, a disorganized spectrum of the alpha rhythm power at the EEG with distorted zonal distribution was detected. These findings allow determining characteristic EEG signs of risk for the PSD and PSP formation in children. CONCLUSION:Conclusions: Spectral-topographic analysis of EEG could be used for neurophysiological rapid diagnostics of the functional state of the brain, objective control of treatment and rehabilitation measures, and prediction of PSD to PSP transformation in children.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://lib.inmeds.com.ua:8080/jspui/handle/lib/2906
ISSN: 0043-5147
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра дитячих і підліткових захворювань

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