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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorКузьменко, Н.-
dc.contributor.authorЯременко, О.-
dc.contributor.authorДобрянський, Д.-
dc.contributor.authorІльницький, Р.-
dc.contributor.authorГуменюк, Г.Л.-
dc.identifier.issn2299-7016 (print)-
dc.identifier.issn2083-5914 (electronical)-
dc.identifier.issn1230-8013 (linking)-
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: One-third of all the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) additionally take mucolytics as per GOLD recommendation due to complaints of productive cough despite their compliance with the basic treatment regimen. Aim: To assess the effcacy and safety of inhaled N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in comparison with oral NAC in patients with COPD. Material and methods: The study included 46 patients with stable COPD and diffcult expectoration of sputum who were divided into two groups. The frst group (n = 22) took 600 mg/day NAC orally, and the second one (n = 24) inhaled 600 mg/day NAC by a nebulizer for 10 days. In the beginning and after the 10-day treatment the questionnaires (CAT, mMRC, CCQ, SGRQ, SF-36), 6-minute walk distance test and day and night cough symptoms were evaluated, spirometry and sputum analysis were performed.uk_UK
dc.publisherPolish Annals of Medicine, 06/08/2020, p.1-7uk_UK
dc.subjectCOPD, Mucolytics, Nebulizeruk_UK
dc.titleThe efficacy and safety of inhaled acetylcysteine in comparison with oral acetylcysteine in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a randomized single-center studyuk_UK
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра фтизіатрії і пульмонології

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