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Назва: Comprehensive Assessment of Functional Changes in the Organism of Healthy Rats in External and Internal Use of Silicone Low-Mineralized Mineral Water
Автори: Gushcha, Sergey
Nasibullin, Boris
Plakida, Alexander
Trubka, Irina
Volyanskaya, Veronika
Kalinichenko, Nikolay
Balashova, Irina
Ключові слова: Silicon Mineral Water, Biological Activity, White Rats, Functional State
Дата публікації: 18-січ-2018
Видавництво: European Journal of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences
Серія/номер: 4(1): 1-5;
Короткий огляд (реферат): Abstract: Therapeutic mineral waters (MW) are nonspecific natural modulators; they correct the state of numerous pathogenetic links in the formation of the pathological process in the organism, which allows obtaining long-term therapeutic effects (especially at the initial stages of pathology development). Positive effect from the use of MW is due to their physical and chemical composition: the presence of macro- and microelements and biologically active compounds (sodium, potassium, magnesium, silicon, boron, iron, hydrogen sulfide). MW can be dangerous, because, acting as stress factors of low intensity; they exhaust (with long-term use) adaptive-compensatory mechanisms of the organism and promote the development of disoriginal states. The purpose of the work was to determine the safety and availability of biological activity of thermal silicon low-mineralized water on the state of the organism of healthy white rats at its internal and external application. The influence of MW on the functional state of the nervous system, kidneys, liver and structural and functional organization of the internal organs of white rats was investigated due to the application of physiological, biochemical, histological and statistical methods of research. The experiment was conducted on white rats of the Wistar line, divided into three groups. I group was control, comparative. Animals of II group received silicon MW internally, and animals of group III in the form of external procedures. It was established that the external application of MW causes a more significant calming effect on the functional state of the central nervous system. The emotional state of rats of the third group contrary - activated. The use of MW in animals of group II causes significant stimulation of urinary and excretory renal function. In both groups, the biliary function of the liver is intensified (reducing the total bilirubin content of the blood due to its fractions - direct and indirect bilirubin) and reduces the activity of oxidative-reducing enzymes in the tissues of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Consequently, the use of silicon MW in animals of the II and III groups does not cause harmful or toxic phenomena. The obtained histological results indicate that the animal's organism is in a state of reduced energy supply, that is, it can be assumed that the MW forms the state of adaptation to the damaging factors. In this case, the external application of MW is not less determined than its traditional internal use.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://lib.inmeds.com.ua:8080/jspui/handle/lib/1724
ISSN: 2575-4998 (Print); 2575-5005 (Online)
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра стоматології дитячого віку

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